The white collar attorney team at The Blanch Law Firm assists clients in successfully navigating antitrust litigation and government investigations. Our results driven approach to antitrust litigation and other white collar cases involves assigning multiple members of our white collar attorney team to every case we defend. This assures a comprehensive review of the case and a successful result for our clients. Our Antitrust Attorneys have over fifty years of combined experience with antitrust cases, including high profile antitrust cases.
Antitrust Cases
The Blanch Law Firm is keenly aware of the stiff criminal and financial penalties facing anyone charged with an antitrust violation, and our successful track record of white collar defense demonstrates our skill in defending such matters. Our skill in successfully handling high profile, high net worth cases our clients is well respected and highly publicized. For example, our list of successful case results includes: The Blanch Law Firm was able to deal with the investigation in a manner that prevented an arrest. Our client worked for a major medical supply company and was under investigation for possible bid rigging and antitrust violations. The Blanch Law Firm represented two multi-billion dollar companies in criminal and quasi-criminal litigation, which were unrelated cases involving allegations of international anti-trust violations in one instance and cross-border corporate wrongdoing allegations in another. Our client was an officer at a Fortune 500 medical supply company. The Client was under investigation of issuing and receiving kickbacks as payment for securing contracts to equip medical facilities overseas. Because of the efforts of the attorneys at the Blanch Law Firm, no arrest, or indictment was made and the investigation was closed. We have recently been featured in Page 6 of the NY Post for our representation of a current television celebrity and model.
Antitrust Law Experience
Our White Collar Defense Firm has experience with The Sherman Act, the Clayton Act, monopoly investigations, government investigations and other federal antitrust legislation. We defend clients in the travel, health care, telecommunications, energy and financial industries, as well as individuals who are being investigated for violating antitrust laws.
Antitrust Defense Attorneys
The Blanch Law Firm is comprised of a skilled team of antitrust attorneys who each bring an unmatched background in antitrust law and antitrust cases. Ryan Blanch (founder and senior attorney at the firm), and the firm’s federal criminal attorneys all possess the background and experience necessary to successfully defend any antitrust lawsuit. Our antitrust attorneys: Spent years in district attorneys’ offices learning government investigations first hand Worked at other prestigious white collar law firms in New York Have each successfully defended multiple antitrust cases
Contact Us
If you are facing any antitrust litigation, if you are in the midst of a government investigation, or if you would simply like a highly qualified legal opinion regarding your company’s potential antitrust liabilities, contact The Blanch Law Firm today. Contact The Blanch Law Firm at 212-736-3900 to arrange an initial consultation.